Pistol League
Pistol League
2023 League Information
- There is a Center Fire League and a Rim Fire League
- Cost is $5 per week; $1 for practice round
- No optics or red dots
- League shooting starts at/around 5:00 p.m. (or as soon as set up is complete)
- A round of shooting is 40 shots; you will want to have at least 2 magazines or a 1 Speed Loader (if you are shooting a revolver)
- A round of shooting consists of:
- Round 1: 5 shots 10 seconds start from low-ready 2 hands
- Round 2: 5 shots 10 seconds start from low-ready behind a barricade to your strong side
- Round 3: 5 shots 10 seconds start from low-ready behind a barricade to your weak side
- Round 4: 5 shots 5 seconds start from low-ready (speed round)
- Round 5: 5 shots 10 seconds start from low-ready master hand only
- Round 6: 5 shots 10 seconds start from low-ready weak hand only
- Round 7: 10 shots 20 seconds start from low-ready, shoot 5, reload and shoot 5 more (reload round)
Pistol League shoots every Tuesday night starting at 5:00 p.m. There is no official sign up — show up, watch a round or two and shoot!
Interested in Pistol League or have questions? Contact Luke Bleess or Jim Fridstrom